Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday Night

Today was a New Year's Resolution Day. I got up relatively early, walked the dogs for over an hour, made doctors' appointments for both B and me, got an appointment at the Veterinary Clinic for Buddy and Buster, scheduled the pest control guy, got the pool pump looked at, wrote weekly missionary letter, folded the rest of the laundry, had a barber date for B (complete with a drive for our Apple Valley hamburger and fries), got the truck registered, and finished two sewing projects.

I have to add two more books to my December list:
The Professor and The Madman by Simon Winchester
Talk Before Sleep by Elizabeth Berg

Wonder what tomorrow will be like?


  1. Busy busy busy! Your blog is beautiful. I really like what you've done with the place ;)

  2. Wow! I am exhausted just looking at that list. What a productive day, and I totally agree with Linds. I love your blog. Very classy!

  3. Just saying HI. Your life sounds like mine - just chilling but not with two dogs - just two kids. Cort is looking very preggers. 20 1/2 weeks now. They will probably get married in Sept so we have two big events this year. How is Linds doing with her pregnancy? I agree with her - your blog is very pretty. I signed up for the april 30th scrap so I hope you did too. Love ya
