From Paris, B and I traveled to Chartres to see the Cathedral. It was very beautiful and is famous for its stained glass windows, in particular, the blue color. Our trusty Lola (GPS Tomtom) navigated us to the parking area without much trouble.

They are currently working on some renovations and cleaning and it is amazing the difference between the cleaned ceilings and the regular ones. I guess 1000 years of candles can do that to a cathedral.

Our next destination was Fougéres which was one of the control stops for B's ride. He thought the castle, the cathedral, and walled city was very beautiful and wanted me to see it. the earliest sections date from the 800's but most of the castle was built by the Normans during the 11th and 12th centuries.
While we were in Fougeres, B was troubled with the flu. We slept in and enjoyed the quite day. We ate crepes at the creperie and then had dinner at our hotel. The next day, we drove to the Abbaye du Mont St. Michel. It is essentially out on an island, with a causeway that has been built for tourists. It has very steep and narrow streets, and dates to the 9th century.
Our next stop was Bayeaux which was one of the first French towns liberated by the Americans after D-Day (6 June 1944).
Such an incredible place. I can't wait to see all of your pictures!