On our journey north, we had some extra days on our schedule so we took a little side trip to Forks, WA. For those who might not know, this is where the Twilight series (by Stephenie Meyer) takes place. It is a pretty place and very cloudy and rainy so I can see why the Cullens chose to live there! B and I decided that we are probably Team Jacob. Trying to explain the stories to B was hilarious and more fun than any two people should have! We stayed in Sequim (pronounced Sqwim) and had the best, absolute best, salmon dinner ever! I'm pretty lucky to be on Team B. He's a pretty great guy and I'm grateful to spend my life with him.

We took 3 different ferries to get to the various places -- one to get to Forks, one to get to Victoria, and one to get to Vancouver. On one of the ferry rides I overheard the following exchange:
Child: But I thought we were going to ride a ferry.
Mom: This boat is the ferry. It is called a ferry.
Child: Oh, I thought we were going to ride a fairy.
In Victoria, we went to Butchart Garden -- a small estate with various gardens dedicated to the beauty of nature -- there was a Sunken Garden (in an old quarry), a Rose Garden (not blooming yet), a Japanese Garden (beyond beautiful), and Italian Garden, and more. There were blooming flowers and trees but I am sure the coming months will only be more beautiful.

We also went to China Beach. It meant walking through a very dark forest down down down to the ocean beach. B was humming a song and I asked why the humming. His reply: to let the bears know I am here. What? When we got to the beach, there was a sign alerting us to possible cougars in the area as well as black bears. I started humming a song too.
I read two very good books while on the journey in addition to the Book of Mormon. The last few chapters of Alma are some of my favorite. They are war stories but there is so much to learn from them, and then the first few chapters of Helaman are amazing too. I read them on my Kindle, and each time I read, it was an amazing wonderful experience. I know there is more excitement yet to come so I will keep reading.
The two books I read were Midwives by Chris Bohjalian and The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. Both of them were really good books and I would recommend both for book clubs or pleasure reading. Midwives is about a midwife's practice, a tragic death, and the various possible outcomes. It was gripping to the very last page, the very last word. The Snow Child is about loss, overcoming loss, finding joy in small things, letting free things be free, and what effect we have on others. I don't know what is like to lose a child, but I have had loss in my life and have moments of despair and sadness. I have also had wonderful moments of joy and fortunately for me, the joyful moments are plentiful. I have been blessed many times over with sweet and tender mercies of the Lord.
L and R picked us up at the airport and showed us their new home. It was warm and cozy and already filled with love. We talked about the coming baby, the new job, the new house, the new places to explore, and just how much fun it will be for them. My favorite moment was when little D showed us his yard. He chased Prana, who was playing with a stick. Prana dropped the stick, and Little D picked it up and started chewing on it too. We all laughed. He hunkered down and said hello to the darkling beetle crawling across the grass. He wanted to touch it but didn't and then did, then didn't. Finally he touched its back. The beetle scuttled quicker and Little D drew back with a surprise and a laugh.
Another great moment came when our Big D joined us for dinner. He's a busy guy and we love spending time with him. I was glad to hear he helped his sister and brother with their move. We loved hearing his plans and talking about his van and his future.
The next surprise was when our friend brought Buddy and Buster home to us. I didn't expect it; I was planning to drive to her house to get them because she had worked until 4:30 am. She brought them to us because she said we probably were tired from travel and the dogs had awakened her anyway. She is an angel and it was wonderful having them home.
I'm very grateful for so many things.
I don't say thank you enough to everyone I should.
Thank you.
President Howard W. Hunter said in his last public address to the Church:
This Christmas, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter. Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize.
Try to understand. Examine your demands on others.
Think first of someone else.
Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude.
Welcome a stranger. Gladden the heart of a child.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Speak your love and then speak it again.