Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book o' the Week

This week's book was The Eleventh Man by Ivan Doig.
It was wonderfully written, had a great storyline,
and was an all-round terrific book.
I purchased it twice and got great deals both times!
First, I bought it for my Kindle for $1.24.
And then I bought the real deal at Doc's Book Loft for $0.89.
Am I a bargain hunter or what??

To be honest, I would suggest everything
and anything written by Ivan Doig.
He is an incredible writer who speaks my language.
All of his novels,
as well as his non-fiction,
have been gripping, intriguing, interesting, and well worth the time.

I've read (multiple times) the following:
The Sea Runners
English Creek
Dancing at the Rascal Fair
Ride with Me, Mariah Montana
Bucking the Sun
Mountain Time
The Whistling Season
Work Song
This House of Sky
Heart Earth

I can't honestly say how I found the first book
of his that I read (The Whistling Season)
but truly fell in love with this author.
There were several copies of books at Doc's Book Loft
and I almost bought repeats to have at the cabin.
They would totally be worth it!

I just finished up with Cub Scouts.
We made bean bags and played various bean bag games.
It was a lot of fun.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Jelly Roll Quilt

For L's birthday, I wanted to surprise her with a hand-done quilt.
I've made her other quilts but they'd been machine-quilted.
The quilt top was completed at the beginning of May, and so I had about 5 weeks to finish it,
She received the "mostly finished" quilt on her birthday
and was gracious enough to let me have another week to get the binding done.

It was completed using a jelly roll with added borders.
The inner border and binding were the same fabric.

Some Quilts

L sent me some pictures of quilts to add to my Quilt Diary.
The pictures reminded me of the fun I had making them and the fun she's had in having them.

T-Shirt Quilt from high school t-shirts, and bike jerseys. I think they were 5 inch squares with a few double sized blocks. The backing is flannel. M. Bundy machine-quilted it. This quilt was made for Christmas 2007.

This quilt definitely made me smile. It was actually "made" twice. The first time was when L was a senior in high-school circa 2003. After all these years of loving it to death, the backing was pilling and dingy. I unstitched the yarn ties and restitched the seams for reinforcement. T. Robertson machine-quilted it using a light blue minkee backing. It was also bound in minkee. It was completed in 2010.

The 3rd quilt is a Levi & Flannel that I made for R prior to his mission in 2004. I used extra thick batting so it is really lofty. It has a blue plaid backing and was tied with yarn. I still have a large supply of Levi's and should probably get making some more. They make terrific car quilts.